Archive for the ‘Current Events in Russia, the US, and elsewhere globally’ Category interview with Anna Bitkina

Friday, February 17th, 2017

Anna Bitkina is one half of TOK Curators St Petersburg, Russia (Maria Veits is the other).  Anya recently did a video interview for post, the Museum of Modern Art’s online resource devoted to art and the history of modernism in a global context.  You can also see my response to Anya’s interview there, “Keeping the Baby While Throwing Out the Bathwater: Socially Engaged Art in Russia and the US Today.”

In Defense of Society: An Open Platform

Monday, July 18th, 2016

As the space for free public expression of dissent narrows in Russia, a group of Russian activists and intellectuals penned and signed a Platform about the current political situation in Russia and what must be done to change it.  I wrote a response in support.  You can see both here.

Detail from my “Dress It Up In Resplendent Clothes.”